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Here comes the sun! Say hello to a happy day with this grand bouquet of a dozen yellow roses and fresh greens in a graceful glass vase. Exact greenery and vase may vary.
$64.99 - $104.99
This sweet collection of flowers is sure to please. Wishing someone the joys of autumn couldn't be easier. Perfect for any occasion, and just the right price.
A seasonal mix of fall flowers arrives in a clear glass vase. Flower varieties and colors may vary.
$49.95 - $69.95
No sure what to send to that certain someone? Our expert designer''s will choose the best blooms of the season and arrange them in a simple, clear, glass cube or cylinder vase. Perfect size for a desk top or hospital room.Shades of fall and flowers such as mums, altromeria, roses and more arrive in a low cylinder or square vase. Also a great, foam-free traditional centerpiece!
$69.95 - $99.95
A sweet little ceramic pumpkin arrives brimming with blooms. Our expert designers will pick the best flowers and style for the day and have this joyful fall arrangement delivered for you!
Beautiful, botanical, and bursting with the joys of the garden.
$52.95 - $79.95
Warm as the autumnal sun, this joyful sunflower bouquet is perfectly presented with flowers such as roses, mum, and sunflowers. Delivered in a simple glass vase
$59.95 - $79.95
Ann Arbor's original Kerrytown florist, conveniently located next door to Zingerman's Deli! Family owned and operated for over 35 years. Hours: Monday through Friday 10am-3pm and Saturday 11am -2pm
Shop Birthday Gifts and Support Local!
414 Detroit St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 663-2693